2024 Topic 13: Lines

you're a journaller or gift wrapper extraordinaire, Autumn has some
modern and fresh ideas for you. Cleverly using JOFY stems as decorative
lines, she's come up with some inspirational ideas using quotes and
brush lettering.
~ Keren
~ Keren
Hi everyone, it's Autumn Clark from SewPaperPaint with
you today, and I'd like to share with you a fun way to use your JOFY
flower stamps to set up your August planner/bullet journal pages.
started out creating some DIY gift wrap for our Lines topic, but was
sparked by the beautifully drawn lines in the stems of my flower stamps
to go in another direction, and I had the most fun converting these
stems into separators for my daily planner. So today's post is a bit of
a two in one. Grab your cuppa and let's get on...

quarantine I have been amusing myself by making my own gift wrap from
copy paper. Often I use my watercolor practice sheets, but I thought
why not make some funky wrap to coordinate with the PaperArtsy JOFY Stamp Set (JOFY72).
My joy in this process is that 90% of my friends are stampers/artists
and I hope they can re-purpose the gift wrap into a card or journal
page. So the gift keeps on giving plus there's no need to shop for

looked at my collection of JOFY stamps and saw that there were
beautiful lines in each set! So I decided to make the entire month's
planner pages in preparation to go back to work after quarantine. I
don't know about you, but every aspect of my life requires a little more
concentration than before quarantine... I hope using my planner will
help me stay on task better. Here I've used PaperArtsy JOFY Stamp Set (JOFY63).

One thing that I have found very relaxing and therapeutic during
these stressful days has been to start daily practice to develop my
brush lettering skills. I grab my markers and notebook and doodle away
while watching TV most evenings. I picked up a new bullet journal for
more "finished" pages. These are my first attempts. I'm very excited
about the possibilities of combining stamps with letter art.

find it such fun to think of new layouts and motivational quotes for
each week's spread. And coloring in my designs is super relaxing for

To finish, I created an August opening page by masking off the center of this beloved flower and doodling in a banner across.

truly enjoyed just playing and know that you will enjoy seeing new
lines and patterns from your PaperArtsy stamps too! There are so many
ways one can dissect a stamp and create multiple designs with it,
regardless of its style.
Here's to more productive, stress free days with endless inspiration and creativity!
Yours, Autumn Clark
Blog: SewPaperPaint
Facebook: 好用的fq
YouTube: Autumn Clark - SewPaperPaint
Instagram: @sewpaperpaint
Pinterest: Autumn S Clark